About the group

Our research group is located in the best place in Germany - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany. In our research group at the KIT, we design, develop and apply biologically functional, dynamic and responsive materials, interfaces and materials systems. We work on the development of various materials systems and methods, including:
(1) porous polymers with controlled surface topography, porosity and wettability;
(2) hydrogels and organogels with various biologically relevant and responsive properties;
(3) nanostructured interfaces and 3D printed materials;
(4) surface functionalization approaches, including photoclick reactions, polydopamine and polyphenolic coatings;
(5) methods enabling miniaturization, parallelization and combination of organic synthesis and biological experiments;
(6) materials and surfaces with special wettability.
Please see http://www.levkingroup.com for further details.
Our group has been funded through the Helmholtz Association, ERC Starting Grant, DFG and many other grants. We are also active in translating our results into real products and founded two spin-off companies so far, ScreenFect GmbH and Aquarray GmbH.